Monday, July 26, 2010

Wasted Weekend

Happy Monday Everyone!

I know, I know... I'm not usually the first person to characterize any workday as 'happy', but it was quite the crappy weekend, so I'm glad to be moving on from it.

Saturday was spent with an awful migraine and the accompanying nausea that only I seem to get. Add to that an annoying lecture from grandmother for leaving my flip flops in the hall, and I was really not loving my life on Saturday. Seriously.

Sunday was a better day. Slight headache still, but I was able to function without getting sick, which was a relief. Later in the afternoon we all headed to my Aunt Karen's house to hang poolside and cook out.

It was a full house there, including Aunt Karen's in-laws. We're all relaxing and enjoying the company, when Helma, my Aunt's sister-in-law, mentions that she works for a card company. She then tells everyone to remember that fact when we need thank you cards or wedding invitations, because she gets a good discount. My brother Matt's girlfriend Angela is sitting next to me when she says this, so my Mom tells Angela to remember that for the future. Angela then says 'Yeah Kristin, remember that when you need wedding invitations!'. Without missing a beat Helma follows up with 'I'll be dead by the time she needs wedding invitations.'

I'm sorry? Seriously? Is this an episode of Golden Girls? Did I really just get burned by a 70 year old lady? You, my friend, are no Betty White. Step off!

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