Monday, July 26, 2010

Secret Life of American Trash

Ok have any of you seen 'Secret Life of the American Teenager'?

What. The. Fug.

I can't help but wonder if this show is one giant mockumentary. I mean, when the show is all said and done, are they going to be like - Psyche! Just kidding! I haven't been a big follower of this show, for many reasons, but I decided to watch a few minutes of it tonight. Now, the last time I tuned in, one teenage girl had a baby with one guy, but she was dating a different guy, and her mom was separated from her dad but having a baby with a different guy, maybe, and everyone else was busy trying to have sex. Tonight I turn the show on, and now another teenage girl is pregnant, by the boyfriend of the girl with the baby... and everyone else is still trying to have sex. Did I mention this airs on ABC Family? Seriously.

This show makes me blush and roll my eyes at the same time. I don't understand the logic behind creating a show this in your face provocative that targets teenagers. I'm not a prude, but these kids are talking raunch every other sentence and basically molesting each other left and right. Plus, add in the unlucky offspring of these teens, and this show is way past watchable. Are there really parents out there that let their kids watch this? Seriously? If so, epic fail.

I gave it a chance because - hello - Molly Ringwald is in it! But this is so far from a John Hughes experience. The Breakfast Club was edgy, but compared to this show it's an episode of Barney.

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