Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Week in Bi-Winning

A big thanks to Charlie Sheen for keeping me entertained over these busy couple of weeks, and a bigger thanks to Jimmy Fallon, who found new and interesting ways to make Charlie entertaining.

Just when I think I can't possibly love Jimmy Fallon any more than I already do, he goes and proves me wrong through sheer adorability (yes, I made that word up) and unjaded (yep, did it again) humor. If you're not DVR-ing Late Night with Jimmy Fallon you're seriously missing out. This week alone brought the above clips, as well as a mustachioed Miley Cyrus, Mike Tyson being HILARIOUS, Abigail Breslin impersonating The Situation, Ben & Jerry from Ben & Jerry's announcing a new ice cream flavor in honor of the show's 2nd anniversary called 'Late Night Snack' (which sounds AMAZING, seriously!), and many, many others.

Moral of the story - DVR it. Now! But remember - you're not allowed to have more love for him than me. He's officially my crush, so hands off!

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