Saturday, January 22, 2011

Remember Me?


Thought I forgot about you, huh? Well... you wouldn't be 100% wrong. It's funny how quickly time goes by if you let it. So... new year, new start?

Global warming is rearing it's ugly head a lot lately. It's been a really warm winter, filled with lots of snow, and it's only January. It's a natural oxymoron, but once you realize that warmer weather means more moisture in the atmosphere, it makes perfect sense. The earth is sick, and she's sneezing snow all over us. We've had almost 5 storms this month alone, and one more is on the horizon, bringing with it another 20". It's making life a little gray these days. And slippery. Seriously, I may have to invest in ice skates soon. I miss the days when snow storms meant no school and an afternoon of sledding with my Dad and brothers on the hill in front of our house. Now all they mean is getting up early to dig out my car and a commute that takes twice as long. What I wouldn't give for a time machine back to those days.

January also means awards season though, which is anything but gray! Gold and diamonds, beautiful gowns, and dashing men - yes, please! I love the idea of being picture perfect for an evening. I'll never be the woman that looks effortlessly elegant, but I would give anything to live a glamorous Hollywood red carpet experience once in my life, and actually live up to the beauty and elegance. What can I say, I have dress envy! In the real world, I wear jeans and cons 365 days a year, and would rather die than be the center of attention. In my fantasy life though, it's Narcisso Rodriguez (specifically Kate Winslet's SAG dress from 2009, but in crimson red) and Harry Winston, and I'm as cool under pressure as Sandra Bullock. I'm still trying to decide on a hairstyle though... This year's awards contenders are pretty intense. I'm worried about Natalie Portman though. Her speech at the Golden Globes.... really erratic! Seriously, she sounded like me.

My grandfather told me some stories recently about his days working with the carnival. I've always heard carnival stories, but it never clicked that my grandfather has played with some really cool animals. He's actually slept with a lion! Granted, it didn't have any teeth or claws but how many people can say that?! Lions, gorillas, tigers, elephant... he's played with them all. And as a result, my Dad spent his childhood playing with the animals in the shows. He and my uncles have wrestled with monkeys. Seriously! He never told me this! If I had wrestled with monkeys as a kid that would be the first story I told people. My grandmother, practical and no nonsense as she is, would go shopping at the department store for outfits for the chimps. It's inspired me to read Water for Elephants. I started reading it today, and was immediately sucked it. It's a great read so far, and the subject is so sentimental to me that I already know it will be a favorite.

Speaking of favorites, I stumbled across a new blog that I really like. It's such a simple concept - one great travel photo everyday. It's called Everything Everywhere, and the author has been traveling the globe since 2007, exploring and capturing everything for all of us to see. Check it out, even if for no other reason than to see some breath-taking photos. Personally, it's inspiring and helps me to remember the explorer in myself. There's seriously a whole lot of world out there, and I can't wait to get back out there.

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll post again soon, I promise!

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