Friday, August 13, 2010

I Don't Get Any Of It..

You'll have to forgive me - lately I can't seem to keep a topic in my head long enough to write about it. I'm not sure what is wrong with me (insert opinion here) but my short term memory is operating at about 30% right now. Luckily enough for you though, I had a post it handy this week.

Littering - Common Sense - Are you married?

These are the words written on my pink heart-shaped post it. Now, I'd better write about them before I forget.


Is it possible that people are still littering in this day and age? Apparently yes, because while looking for a parking spot at the movie theater this week a snotty teenage girl blatantly littered while walking past my car. Seriously? You can't keep your candy wrapper in your hand for the one minute it would take to get to the trash can on the side walk?

Seeing this, I of course motioned to her with a disgusted look on my face and pointed at the ground, mouthing the words "I think you dropped something" from behind my car window. I wish I were fast enough to get the window down before she passed me, otherwise I would have screamed it at her. And her response? She just laughed and kept walking. I don't get it. I know that most people don't want to actively go out of their way to help the planet, but this wasn't even out of her way! She literally walked right by a trash can!

This is when I think corporal punishment on other people's kids should be allowed. And the parents should be next in line. What kind of person doesn't teach their kids that littering is wrong?! If I had it my way, teenagers would have to do 10 hours of community service picking up trash before they could get their license. Seriously.

Common Sense.

Okay, so I'm not going to get too hypocritical here, because I know I am guilty of a lack of common sense quite frequently, but seriously... have some common sense people! Don't hand me a cup of coffee that looks like it's been through military boot camp, covered in coffee grounds and dripping down the sides. Especially when I'm in my clean car and wearing white. 5 seconds is all it takes to wipe it down. I know, because I have to do it for you - the person that gets paid to do it - way more often than I should. Common Sense. Customer Service. A coincidence that they are both CS? I think not!

Are You Married?

I end my week in review with this little nugget. Ladies - have you ever been in a situation where you meet someone new, or even someone you know but haven't seen in a while, and they ask 'So, are you married? Have kids?'

It's never a fun sequence of sentences. Are you married? POW. Do you have kids? WHAM. There goes your ego, broken and rapidly deflating. The worst sentence, though, doesn't arrive until after you've answered 'No, I'm not', and 'Nope, no kids'.

'You're lucky.'

'Smart girl.'

'Well, good for you!'

Probably the most offensive things you could say to a single girl. Seriously. Why do people feel the need to validate a 'life choice' that you didn't actually choose? I'm single and childless. Not because I choose to be. I haven't turned down any proposals, or taken any morning after pills. I'm not making excuses for my status so please, don't do it for me. We both know my level of intelligence has nothing to do with the fact. I'm not counting my blessings, thankful every morning I wake up without a husband next to me. So let's stop pretending, m'kay? Seriously, when I say I'm not married, just move on. No need to congratulate me. Because I swear, the next time you do I may just burst into tears on the spot.

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